AGC Committees
Explore the Committees Below
Discover the unique purpose of each committee and how they contribute to AGC's overall mission. For more details or to get involved, don’t hesitate to reach out to the staff contact listed under each group. They’ll be happy to guide you through the process of joining and participating in a committee that aligns with your interests.
Committee Purpose
The Alaska DOT &PF (AK&DOT) Committee identifies and works to resolve funding, policy and operations issues related to Alaska Department of Transportation projects, and to develop and maintain relationships with key Alaska DOT&PF staff. This advisory committee operates under a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Alaska Department of Transportation.
- Prepare an annual work plan for Executive Board approval.
- Review issues involving construction of Alaska DOT&PF projects.
- Work with Alaska DOT&PF staff to resolve challenges facing AGC members on Alaska DOT&PF projects.
- Hold regular meetings to share information.
- Organize the DOT&PF update at the AGC Annual Conference.
AGC of Alaska members who are prime contractors on Alaska Department of Transportation projects. DOT&PF staff are also members of this committee per the MOU.
Meeting Schedule
The committee meets monthly, year-round, with additional meetings called as needed to respond to issues.
Staff contact: Megan Hoen
Committee Purpose
Assist AGC staff in planning, organizing and implementing the AGC of Alaska Annual Conference and its associated activities, including the conference program and speakers, and the Dinner Dance. The Annual Conference is an opportunity for training, education and networking for AGC members as well as a fundraiser for AGC of Alaska. This advisory committee may develop sub-task forces for certain portions of the committee responsibilities.
- Prepare an annual work plan for Executive Board approval.
- Hold regular meetings to share information.
- Choose the Conference and Dinner Dance themes in conjunction with staff and with the current AGC of Alaska President’s approval.
- Identify keynote speakers.
- Solicit conference session topic and speaker ideas from other AGC of Alaska Committees.
- Develop the conference agenda.
- Participate in the conference debrief.
The Conference Committee is open to all AGC members.
Meeting Schedule
The committee meets monthly from February – October for the November Conference. This schedule may include extra meetings as the conference nears.
Staff contact: Catherine Sullivan
Committee Purpose
Continuously improve the governance, leadership and the board of directors of AGC. This is a governance committee.
- Prepare an annual work plan for Executive Board approval.
- Hold regular meetings to share information.
- Identify and document what makes an ideal leader for the organization and periodically update this documentation to fit the organization as changes dictate.
- Identify and help develop opportunities to encourage and educate potential leaders from among the membership, including annual board and committee training and orientation sessions.
- Conduct a board and committee assessment annually to identify areas of effectiveness and potential improvement.
- Assure that members have open access to participate on Committees and in organization activities.
- Periodically review the organization’s governance size, structure and procedures and other practices and processes to assure the organization is operating at the best possible effectiveness.
- Nominate a slate of candidates for the board following the by-laws of the organization.
- Work with committees and the board to assure a pipeline of capable and effective leaders for Board nomination.
Any AGC of Alaska Member with interest in and experience in association governance and in maintaining and improving governance of AGC of Alaska.
Meeting Schedule
The committee meets bi-monthly, year-round except for the nominations period where more meetings may be necessary and called per Co-Chairs’ requirements.
Staff Contact: Megan Hoen
Committee Purpose
Engage Fairbanks and Interior area members of AGC in educating the construction workforce, promoting the construction industry in the Interior, and advocating with agencies to resolve common concerns and issues. Provide a forum for members to network and share information. Provide advice and support to the Fairbanks Branch Manager. This is an advisory committee.
- Prepare an annual work plan for Executive Board approval.
- Hold regular meetings to share information.
- Support the AGC of Alaska student chapter at UAF.
- Plan and assist with Fairbanks/Interior networking and fundraising events, including the holiday party, golf tournament, and the Spring Agency Day and board meeting.
- Provide input to Conference Committee on relevant conference topics and speakers.
- Assist in membership recruitment and retention in the Interior.
The Fairbanks/Interior Engagement Committee is open to any Fairbanks or Interior area AGC of Alaska member, or AGC of Alaska member with operations in Fairbanks or the Interior.
Meeting Schedule
The committee meets monthly from September through April.
Staff contact: Sara Maguire
Committee Purpose
Provide oversight of AGC’s financial resources. This oversight committee is a standing committee of the Board of Directors, led by the Board Treasurer.
- Prepare an annual work plan for Executive Board approval.
- Review and recommend approval of the annual budget.
- Oversee regulatory compliance and financial reporting.
- Review and recommend changes to AGC’s financial policies.
- Monitor internal controls.
- Ensure AGC has adequate resources to operate efficiently and meet its program goals.
Any AGC of Alaska Member with experience and interest in financial oversight.
Meeting Schedule
The committee meets monthly, year-round, with additional meetings called as needed to respond to issues.
Committee Purpose
Facilitates labor agreement negotiations between industry representatives and union representatives. Provides education and assistance to members working with collective bargaining agreements. This is an oversight committee.
- Prepare an annual work plan for Executive Board approval.
- Negotiate labor agreement for:
- Teamsters Local 959
- Laborers’ Local 341 & 942
- Plasterers & Cement Masons Local 528
- Operating Engineers Local 302
- Roofers, Waterproofers & Allied Workers Local 189
- Western States Regional Council of Carpenters
- Educate AGC members about labor relations issues.
- Work with AGC members to resolve labor relations issues.
- Hold regular meetings to share information.
Any AGC of Alaska Member with operations impacted by labor agreements, and interest in and experience in contract negotiations.
Committee Purpose
Facilitates labor agreement negotiations between industry representatives and union representatives. Provides education and assistance to members working with collective bargaining agreements. This is an oversight committee.
- Prepare an annual work plan for Executive Board approval.
- Negotiate labor agreement for:
- Teamsters Local 959
- Laborers’ Local 341 & 942
- Plasterers & Cement Masons Local 528
- Operating Engineers Local 302
- Roofers, Waterproofers & Allied Workers Local 189
- Western States Regional Council of Carpenters
- Educate AGC members about labor relations issues.
- Work with AGC members to resolve labor relations issues.
- Hold regular meetings to share information.
Any AGC of Alaska Member with operations impacted by labor agreements, and interest in and experience in contract negotiations.
Committee Purpose
Educate AGC members about legal issues affecting the construction industry. This is an advisory committee.
- Prepare an annual work plan for Executive Board approval.
- Hold regular meetings to share information.
- Produce four quarterly articles for the AGC of Alaska Contractor magazine.
- Provide input to Conference Committee on as relevant conference topics and speakers.
- Plan and organize “Lunch and Learns” as needed and approved.
- Draft communications, policies, and other documents regarding legal issues, when requested by the Executive Director.
- Advise Executive Director on legals issues regarding the industry.
One representative (or designee) from each AGC member law firm.
Meeting Schedule
The committee meets monthly, year-round with adjustments per committee needs.
Committee Purpose
Track legislation that impacts the construction industry, and coordinate AGC’s response. This is an advisory committee.
- Prepare an annual work plan for Executive Board approval.
- Review legislative matters involving construction or construction-related activities at the local, state and federal levels.
- Develop legislative priorities and propose AGC of Alaska positions.
- Coordinate advocacy efforts to support AGC’s legislative priorities, including the annual Legislative Fly-In.
- Hold regular meetings to share information.
- Meet regularly with AGC’s lobbyist.
Any AGC of Alaska Member with operations impacted by legislation, interest in and experience in advocacy, and/or relationships with elected officials.
Meeting Schedule
The committee meets monthly, year-round, with additional meetings called as needed to respond to issues.
Staff Contact: Laurel Pagliai
Committee Purpose
Assist AGC staff in producing the Contractor Magazine and ensuring the magazine content is relevant to AGC member interests. This is an advisory committee.
- Prepare an annual work plan for Executive Board approval.
- Advise staff on content for the Contractor magazine.
Any AGC of Alaska Member with experience and interest in member communication.
Meeting Schedule
The committee meets quarterly, year-round.
Staff Contact: Laurel Pagliai
Committee Purpose
Advise AGC of Alaska staff on membership recruitment and retention. Promote the benefits of AGC of Alaska membership to members and potential members. This is an advisory committee.
- Prepare an annual work plan for Executive Board approval.
- Hold regular meetings to share membership information.
- Revise membership recruitment documents.
- Review membership reports and organize outreach to new members.
- Review prospect lists and organize outreach to prospects.
- Plan and organize approved membership engagement events.
- Assist in annual membership renewal process, providing outreach to unrenewed members.
Any current AGC of Alaska member with an interest in growing AGC of Alaska membership. This committee must be comprised of at least 60% contractor members.
Meeting Schedule
The committee meets monthly, as needed, except for the summer months.
Staff Contact: Laurel Pagliai
Committee Purpose
Educate Alaskan Contractors about health and safety issues within the industry. Assist members to achieve compliance with regulatory agencies. Provide opportunities for safety training & education for member companies. This is an advisory committee.
- Prepare an annual work plan for Executive Board approval.
- Hold regular meetings to share information.
- Conduct annual audit of resources on the Safety Portal and prepare updates as needed.
- Provide input to Conference Committee on relevant conference topics and speakers.
- Plan and organize approved Lunch and Learns as needed.
- Plan and organize the Annual Safety Fair.
- Provide important safety related information to the AGC Communications Manager for inclusion in AGC member communications.
Individuals with experience, interest in, and responsibility for health and safety in their AGC member firms. Non-AGC members may join the AGC committee as an ‘interested party’ member, however, they cannot serve as committee chair and cannot formally represent the committee nor AGC of Alaska.
Check out the Safety Resources Page
Staff Contact: Ruby Oatman
Committee Purpose
Establish an open environment conducive to fostering partnerships and collaboration between United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), industry, and state/local government. Provide a forum for high-level stakeholders and experts to share guidance on key issues. This is an advisory committee.
- Prepare an annual work plan for Executive Board approval.
- Hold regular meetings to share information.
- Identify, prioritize, and work to resolve key issues such as motivating factors for engagement with the USACE, barriers to entry, problems during execution, improved transparency, bids, submittals, policy, objectives, and budgetary controls.
- Develop and maintain relationships between USACE and the construction industry.
- Hold regular meetings with USACE representatives to raise issues and discuss solutions.
- Educate the broader AGC membership about USACE projects and issues in Alaska.
- Provide input to Conference Committee on relevant conference topics and speakers.
Representatives from AGC of Alaska member firms that work on USACE projects. The committee may invite agency representatives or other non-AGC Members who are experts in USACE contracting to join committee meetings, but not as committee members.
Meeting Schedule
The committee meets monthly, with a “contractors only” meeting alternating with a meeting that USACE representatives attend.
Staff Contacts: Megan Hoen
Committee Purpose
Advocate for education, training and scholarships while highlighting opportunities for industry to connect with educators and students. The goal is to build and promote a strong and sustainable skilled construction workforce. This is an advisory committee.
- Prepare an annual work plan for Executive Board approval.
- Hold regular meetings to share information.
- Develop and maintain the “Contractor’s Playbook” for engaging with students in classrooms. Audit playbook and resources/links annually.
- Advise school districts and the University of Alaska on development and implementation of construction-related curriculum.
- Select annual scholarship recipients.
- Provide input to the Conference Committee on relevant conference topics and speakers.
Any current AGC member or designee with an interest in workforce development issues.
Meeting Schedule
The committee meets monthly, year-round.
Staff Contact: Ruby Oatman
Committee Purpose
Cultivate the future leaders of Alaska's construction industry through networking and professional development opportunities that improve job-related capabilities and leadership skills. This is an advisory committee.
- Prepare an annual work plan for Executive Board approval.
- Hold regular meetings to share information.
- Plan and organize approved fundraisers to financially support the committee’s activities.
- Plan and provide hands-on assistance with approved networking events.
- Plan and assist with approved professional development opportunities, including Lunch and Learns, job walk-throughs, and leadership training.
The Construction Leadership Committee is open to any employees of AGC members looking to further their personal and professional growth.
Meeting Schedule
The committee meets monthly. This schedule may be adjusted per committee needs.
Staff Contact: Laurel Pagliai
Anchorage Golf Tournament
Meets in the spring months to plan the Annual Anchorage Golf Tournament and ensure financial goals are met.
Sporting Clays
Contractors & Camo (Fundraising Hockey Tournament)
Fairbanks Golf Tournament
Meets in spring and summer months to plan the Annual Fairbanks Golf Tournament with proceeds benefiting the AGC Scholarship program.
Fairbanks Curling Tournament
Meets in the winter months to plan the newest Interior winter curling tournament.
Spring Agency Day
Researches, recommends and schedules presenters for Spring Agency Day and Full Board meeting in Fairbanks.