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AGC of AK Board of Directors Nominating Committee

The mission of AGC of Alaska is to advocate for our members and the Alaskan construction industry; to provide educational opportunities for our members; and to make the public aware of our members’ skills, responsibility, and integrity. 

Click Here to nominate a member for AGC's Board of Directors.

How is AGC's Board of Directors developed?

  • Contractor Directors shall be elected by secret ballot at the Annual Meeting from nominees selected by the Nominating Committee and from nominations made from the floor.  Only Contractor members may vote for Contractor Directors.
  • ​The Associate Directors shall be elected by email ballot and announced at the Annual Meeting.  Nominees for Directors shall be solicited from the Associate members.  Only Associate members may vote for Associate Directors.

What does the Nominating Committee do?

  1. Create a list of contractor director nominee recommendations (for the purpose of creating and maintaining the required balance of Building Contractors, Highway-Utility Contractors, Heavy Industrial Contractors, and Specialty Contractors) to be presented as a secret ballot during annual elections at the November annual meeting. 
  2. Approve the list of associate nominees created by associate members.

When does the Nominating Committee meet?
The Nominating Committee meets once a year between August and September. The Nominating Committee continues active involvement via e-mail reviewing AGC staff weekly reports , discussing progress, and providing guidance to AGC staff until completion of elections during the November annual meeting. 

​What does the Nominating Committee consider?
The Nominating Committee consider's the AGC member's current active involvement with AGC committees, board meetings, and events. The committee considers how constructing a quality board is about the caliber and perspective of individual directors chosen as well as the deliberate creation of a dynamic and a chemistry that allow for the effective execution of governance and strategic oversight. The committee discusses how to determine the characteristics sought in new directors, and the combination of them, and whose service will be in the best interest of AGC. The committee agrees on which candidates should be selected, especially in the context of those already on the board. With that, the committee determines a list of nominees with a wide range of perspectives, as this is critical to effective governance.

For more information, contact

Want to serve on AGC’s Nominating Committee?

Email with “Nominating Committee Interest” in the subject line.