COVID-19 Training
AGC is resuming training courses with safety measures as guided by the CDC and local recommendations.
Be prepared to follow the following safety protocols while attending an AGC training class:
- Provide/obtain your own food and beverages (storage will not be provided)
- Use provided hand sanitizer when entering/exiting
- Wipe down your table and chairs with provided disinfectant
Safety Reminders:
- Do not share office or protective equipment
- Use sanitizer before touching community items
- Wash hands frequently for at least 20 seconds with soap and water
- Cover nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing with arm or tissue, dispose of tissue after use and wash hands after coughing or sneezing
- Avoid touching face (mouth, eyes, nose)
What to expect:
- Cleaning and sanitizing supplies will be provided
- Class sizes will be within health mandated requirements
Click here for the AK-CESCL Website and more AK-CESCL information.
Click here for information specific to CQM.